Category Archives: Quiet Side

Sit Quietly. Listen Loudly.

When I started down the path of practicing and exploring the world of Zentangle in 2013 – I did not imagine that it would open up so many opportunities and gifts – primarily reinforcing the benefits of sitting quietly and reflecting, of breathing deeply and allowing my mind an opportunity to rest from the constant input, busy spinning of thoughts and a way to help myself relax. This practice, and reinforcement of my awareness benefits me by helping me keep calm when life throws curveballs and shows me the importance of quieting my mind to allow myself an opportunity to process the events of a day.

Through my own journey and experiences, I have enjoyed sharing the benefits and importance of slowing down in my classes, through my podcast and in conversation with friends, family and even random encounters of people on their own path.

I am very happy to extend the philosophy and wisdom of slowing down in these distracted times with my new book: Sit Quietly. Listen Loudly.

A copy of Sit Quietly. Listen Loudly. and a journal.

Sit Quietly, Listen Loudly. The instructions are simple, the practice takes time. Small doses of wisdom sprinkled through this volume look at the quest for understanding in our daily lives, with encouragement and wisdom about the practice of quieting the mind and slowing down enough to pay attention. Within each of us lies the wisdom we need to guide our journeys. The noise of our time often drowns out what we need to hear to feel calm and at peace.

Sit Quietly, Listen Loudly offers a nudge for your own exploration into the history and knowledge you hold, encouraging you to find the time in a quiet moment to reflect and process the experiences of your day.

When you learn to listen, there is a softening of your thoughts, a connection of the experiences you have encountered and a balancing of the emotion that you may react to. Sit Quietly, Listen Loudly. There is peace in the world and it starts with a simple observation, it is shared with a kind word, it is spread through the acknowledgement that we all need space to breathe. In this world of constant inputs and streams, we need to rediscover how to process our understanding and experiences.

The Quiet Side: Stillness

Deliberate  :  slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved

Slowing down, and focusing on a single thing at a time can be hard to do.  We are coming away from a time where multitasking was rewarded, and we are learning more and more that the benefit of mindfulness and focus on your health is great.  You can’t truly focus on many things at once, and it is a great break for your brain and good for your well-being to take time to do something deliberately. Just a small amount of complete attention to an activity will bring better results.

In Zentangle practice, a deliberate stroke can help you enjoy and benefit from the process even more than the thrill of a beautifully drawn tile. Taking time to focus on the ink coming from your pen onto the paper, taking a deep breath and focusing on the time to get from one point to another helps you relax into the process, and brings a calm to what you are doing in that moment.

Learning tangles in a specific, repeatable order also helps to make sure that you are drawing deliberately.  This isn’t an absentminded doodle.  You want to take this time for yourself.

Whether you have completed a hundred tiles, just taken a class or are just beginning to explore Zentangle, give this exercise a try. Think about each stroke as you make it, allow yourself a few moments to focus.

Bales is one of my favorite tangles because of the repeatable, deliberate steps taken to create a fun design. Give yourself a little time to follow these steps, go slowly and relax with your pen.

Start by drawing parallel lines one direction. Make each stroke deliberate, focus on your pen and paper. Go slowly, this is not a race.

Now rotate your tile or paper to make parallel lines the other direction, perpendicular to the first collection of lines to create a grid. Notice that by rotating your paper, you are keeping the same motion as you create a grid, keep focusing on the stroke as you go.

Next we are going to add some curved lines from point to point within the grid. If you make the strokes vertically when drawing Bales, there is a tendency to make curves quickly down the column, never lifting your pen, never stopping to breathe at each intersection.

If you make the little rice shapes across a row, like in the picture below, then proceed to the next row, it forces you to slow down and pay attention.

Stopping at each intersection, taking a breath and lifting your pen creates more even strokes, deliberately helping you to slow down, calm down and relax into the process. Deliberately draw one curve then pick your pen up and move to the next.

After your grid is filled with little curves in one direction, turn your tile and continue in the same manner, the same stroke filling in the other direction.

Continue with the curved shape across the rows in the other direction. By rotating your tile you keep the same stroke which helps you find a relaxing rhythm. Moving your pen in a methodical motion across your tile in this specific deliberate way, you can help make the stroke a soothing and relaxing motion.

This simple exercise is an example of how the practice of deliberate strokes can help you relax and find focus with the Zentangle method. I hope you take some time to try this pretty little tangle, and keep practicing these strokes as a way to calm your mind and find focus in your day.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create – comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

The Quiet Side: Stillness


devoid of or abstaining from motion: free from noise or turbulence

The world runs at a frenetic pace, especially the online, constantly connected side of our lives.  Constant notifications, texts, emails, social media updates.  As we learn to live at this speed it seems even more important to find a balance by being still.

Allowing your mind to be still takes practice. Allowing your body to truly rest takes practice. Not a lot of new skill or explanation required, just reminders and practice.

You might naturally find when you journal or draw, or in the middle of other focused activities that you pause for a moment and capture a bit of stillness, where the silence envelops you like a bubble.  We need these moments in our day like a breath of fresh air for our minds.

Try This

Sit quietly for a few moments with all your screens and sounds off. Watch the raindrops fall outside the window, or the flames flicker by the fire.  Sit still with yourself physically. Feet flat on the floor, hands gently resting on your legs. Take five minutes, two minutes or one minute to sit gently.

Close your eyes or focus on the distance and just sit.

Breathe and be still.

Sit still with your mind. When your mind wanders, bring it back quietly reminding yourself that you are still. It is a practice to be still for even a moment when you are used to constant stimulation.

Breathe evenly. Let your eyes relax or gently close them. When you start looking around remind yourself, take a breath and be still.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax- discover  create – comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm -admire

The Quiet Side: Calm

Calm: a state of tranquility

I know very few people who spend part of their day feeling calm.  There is much to do, go, see and accomplish in our lives.  The act of just being, never mind feeling calm gets lost as a nice to have, wish I could or when I am on vacation…

Why does the feeling of calm elude us on a daily basis when we may all feel, act and treat each other better without daily agitation, competition and stress? We don’t need to wait for vacation to do the things we love. Slowing down does not signal that you are opting out. Sometimes we just need to catch our breath and spend a moment of quiet stillness.

Try This

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or planning to create a space of calm. Find a moment, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, really fill your belly with the air around you, then slowly release. Repeat. You can do more, take more time next time – but for right now this is a starting point.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover create – comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

The Quiet Side: Issue 26

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Admire  :  to marvel at

There are so many artists out there who create such amazing work – it is really easy to spend all day online liking pictures of tiles, Zentangle Inspired Art and all the beautiful works of art that are posted regularly through different social media resources.

What is harder to appreciate, is the feeling of well-being and relaxed focus that taking time with some simple materials can bring.  I love hearing students tell me that they can’t wait for their next tangling time, or that they are working hard to make it a daily part of their lives because of the gentle relaxation they feel when following the Zentangle method.

When they look at their tiles, their journal pages or works they have completed over time, I love that what they are admiring most is the lovely feeling of well-being they have from spending some creative time with themselves. Perhaps that will lead them to more creative exercises, and create more calm in their lives.

Taking time to admire your skill and the beautiful art that results from the Zentangle method is definitely valuable, whether you are just starting out or you see your strokes becoming more deliberate and your flow becoming more relaxed.  But taking time to admire your inner happiness and calm when giving yourself permission to fully embrace time you spend being creative and focusing is equally important.

Try This

You don’t need to create something new – just look around you at something you created last week, or long ago and take a moment to admire your work and effort.  Creativity isn’t limited to pen and paper, or canvas and ink. Perhaps it is a floral display or holiday arrangement.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.

The Quiet Side: Issue 24

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Slow Down :  moving, flowing, or proceeding without speed or at less than usual speed

Slow down is advice often given, but is difficult to actually do.  In this episode of Quiet Side, rather than spending a lot of time reading about why you should slow down, I wanted to offer a simple exercise to be done almost anywhere with just a paper and pen.

Need more practice? Our podcast TanglePod has several epsisodes about the benefits of slowing down, Breathing Life into Creativity and our premium episode Connect the Dots both have some additional exercises to help you spend some time with slowing down and focus.

Try This

Pick up your pen and draw a line. If you have a tile, wonderful, if you have a sketch pad or notebook, use that.  If all you have handy is a note pad with your grocery list – flip that over and draw a line.  Perhaps you have a string in place, or a border so go from one side of the string to the other. If your paper is blank, simply draw a line. It doesn’t have to be a long line, maybe three or four inches.

Now a little distance from that line, draw another line parallel to the first. But draw this line at half the speed as the first one. That is right, slow it down. Maybe you need to count. One, two, three for the first line. Count to six for the second line. Take a nice deep breath.

Now you have two lines, add a third. And draw this one half as fast as the second. Yup, slow it down even more. Take a breath before you get started, and take another breath when you are finished.  Got the drill? Repeat this exercise each time slowing your line down. Taking a breath. Relax – there is no rush, there is no competition, and there is no goal.

Out of space? Rotate your paper and draw more lines, in the same fashion perpendicular to the others. You continue to do the exact same stroke and the rotation makes a grid. By rotating your paper you can just continue melting into the exercise, relaxing your mind, remembering to breathe and slowing down.

This is a gentle exercise to help center your breath and help you focus – repeat as often as necessary.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.

The Quiet Side: Issue 23

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Savor :  to have experience of

During the holidays we want to savor the season, or savor an expensive dinner out.  To really have the experience of something is to give it your full attention, all of your senses. How does it feel, taste, look, smell? What are the sounds rounding out your senses?

As we enter into the holiday season, calendars and budgets are squeezed. Without savoring our time in traditions they can feel like a chore.  Take a moment today, while the season is in full swing and think about the events ahead that you want to cherish and enjoy.

Regular practice of Zentangle can help your body remember to slow down and take a moment to savor.  We are regularly reminded to focus on a particular stroke while practicing Zentangle.  Like rushing through a meal leaves you unsatisfied – so does rushing through a tangle to try to get to the finished product.

Because the Zentangle Method results in a non-representational art work – you can follow the steps of the process even if you only draw straight lines, regularly revisiting the practice can be a reminder to take a little time to pay attention, focus and savor your moments.

As we enter into cozy months think about renewing your committment to spending some time each day allowing your creative energy to flow.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.

The Quiet Side: Issue 22

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Embellish :  to make beautiful with ornamentation

I don’t find it easy to embellish.  As a metaphor in life or in tangling, embellishing is an act that is an uncomfortable place for me, and so it is yet another thing I can do in my day to day tangling practice.

Perhaps if I practice adding a few extra swirls to a tile, or sparkling highlights or dew drops, I’ll think about wearing some sparkling jewelry, or a new color and take a break from my normal choices. Perhaps I’ll try dipping my toe into making a story a little more enchanting, adding some detail I might have left out for brevity.

Perhaps that little sparkle in my tile will make my eyes twinkle when I see it, and that twinkle will be contagious to the person in line behind me. And they will pass it on to someone they love.

It could be contagious, and it all starts with just trying a little teeny something new.

Try This

Try a little embellishing in your tile this week – a few little tipples here and there, or accenting with a glitter pen.  Perhaps you have a sequin to glue onto the corner.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.

The Quiet Side: Issue 21

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Come Out of Your Shell :  a hard rigid usually largely calcareous covering or support of an animal

When I went across the country to Rhode Island for my Zentangle teacher course three years ago, it was an amazing experience.  Simply making the reservation, and getting on the plane was an adventure after years of focusing elsewhere.  I gave myself permission to indulge in something I love.  It was a step into a whole new world focused on my passions, and rehabilitating long forgotten creative expression.

The first person I met gifted me with a little wooden pin she had made that said “Come Out of Your Shell.”  She had been making many Bijou pins with plans to hand them out with joy to the people she met at the CZT training.

How could she know she gave me the exact one I needed at the time?

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create – comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.




The Quiet Side: Issue 20

The Quiet Side

Exploring the unseen benefits of creative focus.

Inspire:  to influence, move, or guide by divine

I am always inspired when I share Zentangle.  Sitting with a friend and showing them the steps, or standing in front of a conference room and teaching a group of co-workers, reaching a teen going through so much change – all these fill me with joy.

I love seeing people connect with their creative self, rediscovering some dusty skills, or embracing the ease at which the structure of the Zentangle Method can release such creativity. I also love when students learn, and come to the next class with a story of how they shared what they learned with someone they love.

Grandparents sharing it with their grandchildren and teens sharing it with their relatives over the holidays. Friends from a lesson in art class spreading the tangles throughout the school.

Even when I am not teaching, and am just taking some time to tangle with a friend, what I see in their work inspires me to try something new in mine.


Try This

Your exercise today is to make a date to be inspired by creating something with a friend.

Tangle and tea with a friend.  Share what you know with someone who hasn’t tangled before. Give each other a tangling challenge. Or if you prefer to use tangling as a personal focus and meditation – try painting or coloring.  Sharing a new box of crayons or pencils with your kids can be a great conversation starter as everyone relaxes into their work.

Haven’t tried tangling? Gather a group for a class, contact me or find a CZT in your area here.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover – create comfort – shade – breatheinspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

Sign up for my blog to allow yourself to get inspiration and some fun tangling exercises right to your inbox.