Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tangle Festival: 31 Days of Breath and Focus Day 4 Amaze/Stir It Up

Join me on TanglePod for a month of finding the ways to slow down with breath and focus with each of 31 different tangles.  We are focusing on the specific cadence that you can find, and how to use each one to encourage your practice to slow down and be in the moment.  Juliette and I often find different approaches to tangles, and in these short conversations will provide tips on approaching each tangle with focus in mind.  Use your journal, tiles or scratch paper and play with these exercises to see how you can find your rhythm too.  

Listen and see the step outs: Tangle Festival: Day 4 Amaze/Stir It Up | TanglePod (

Follow along as I fill in my Pangea string, one tangle each day!

TanglePod 31 Days of Breath and Focus Day 3 Striping

Join TanglePod for a month of finding the ways to slow down with breath and focus with each of 31 different tangles.  We are focusing on the specific cadence that you can find, and how to use each one to encourage your practice to slow down and be in the moment.  Juliette and I often find different approaches to tangles, and in these short conversations will provide tips on approaching each tangle with focus in mind.  Use your journal, tiles or scratch paper and play with these exercises to see how you can find your rhythm too.  

Listen and see the step outs: Tangle Festival: Day 3 Striping | TanglePod (

TanglePod 31 Days of Breath and Focus

Today’s Tangle: Tipple

Join me on TanglePod for a month of finding the ways to slow down with breath and focus with each of 31 different tangles.  We are focusing on the specific cadence that you can find, and how to use each one to encourage your practice to slow down and be in the moment.  Juliette and I often find different approaches to tangles, and in these short conversations will provide tips on approaching each tangle with focus in mind.  Use your journal, tiles or scratch paper and play with these exercises to see how you can find your rhythm too.  

My favorite tip on tipple is watch for the tails on your orbs!! They are a good visual that you can use a little more focus.

Listen to the episode: Tangle Festival: Day 2 Tipple | TanglePod ( or on your favorite podcast app!

TanglePod Tangle Festival

31 Days of Breath and Focus

Join me on TanglePod for a month of finding the ways to slow down with breath and focus with each of 31 different tangles.  We are focusing on the specific cadence that you can find, and how to use each one to encourage your practice to slow down and be in the moment.  Juliette and I often find different approaches to tangles, and in these short conversations will provide tips on approaching each tangle with focus in mind. 

Use your journal, tiles or scratch paper and play with these exercises to see how you can find your rhythm too.  

Tangle Festival -Day 1 Pangea | TanglePod (

I am starting off the month with a journal page of today’s tangle: Pangea

31 Days of Breath and Focus: Pangea

31 Days of Breath and Focus

31 Days of Breath and Focus: Pangea

On the podcast I co-host ( we are celebrating a different version of Inktober. Inktober was developed by Jake Parker in 2009, and is a wonderful way to be motivated to share your artwork, and just spend time being creative. We are putting the focus on the process, rather than the product, because Juliette and I both benefit from taking the time with our pens and paper, and practicing being present and focused with our work.

I hope you will join us for this series of focus and relaxation. Post it on your fridge, or post it on your social media, or keep it in your journal with some notes about the benefit that you get from the regular practice.

tanglepod logo

Tunes to Tangle to…

I love to have a little background music while I tangle, or pursue other favorite creative activities – it takes a different type of music to than say, dancing while doing the dishes. Here is my current playlist in progress, I am constantly refining it as I hear new music, keeping it to around a half hour so that I can put all my other distractions away and immerse myself in my project.

Happy Tangling!

The Quiet Side: Calm

Calm: a state of tranquility

I know very few people who spend part of their day feeling calm.  There is much to do, go, see and accomplish in our lives.  The act of just being, never mind feeling calm gets lost as a nice to have, wish I could or when I am on vacation…

Why does the feeling of calm elude us on a daily basis when we may all feel, act and treat each other better without daily agitation, competition and stress? We don’t need to wait for vacation to do the things we love. Slowing down does not signal that you are opting out. Sometimes we just need to catch our breath and spend a moment of quiet stillness.

Try This

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or planning to create a space of calm. Find a moment, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, really fill your belly with the air around you, then slowly release. Repeat. You can do more, take more time next time – but for right now this is a starting point.

deliberate – still – appreciate – quiet – focus – trust – deconstruct – beautiful – reflect – relax – discover create – comfort – shade – breathe – inspire – be bold – embellish – savor – slow – calm – admire

but the dog ate my artwork…

Recently, when cleaning up my desk which is the custom table we made a few years ago –  I was looking around for the tile that started it all – and could not find it anywhere.

A few days later after removing a grocery list from the puppy’s mouth, a flood of memories came rushing through my head of a pile of projects on the desk, things being knocked over and general chaos. Of course the puppy was on hand as usually for any type of excitement – and in the busyness of the day – that tile may just have fallen on the floor in a flutter of temptation too great for a dog who loves a good paper snack.

I was sad. Then I accepted the single swirl that started the tile – which I wanted to change and grow away from always drawing the same old tangle – grew into something more unique and exciting than I could have ever imagined, and as I type this I am resting my arms on a 3×6′ version of the tile. Of course, the tile was just my string.

Memories Memory….

Looking for a multi age game for a family party, I made a fun twist on a classic as a holiday ice breaker across the generations.

Memory is a classic game associated to little kids but Memories Memory – well that can be a classic game that can only ever be specific to your family.  I was looking for a game to play that didn’t have a lot of rules for a mixed crowed.  Making a memory game out of photos worked well.

I just printed 2×2 photos on cardstock with a border. I tried to do enough to fill up our coffee table in a square, which ended up being 36 pairs, so 72 tiles.

The kids young and old really loved to try to match their favorite photos – so make sure anyone playing the game is in at least one set.

My Zentangle Twist!

When tidying up my supplies – it occurred to me that this is also a great opportunity to make a game with all those tiles that I create while teaching! Often I have multiple tiles that are the same tangles, even if they look a little differently. 

It is also a great way to utilize tiles when I am doing a practice of the same tangles on repeat. Like the tiles below – same tangles, different approaches. It makes playing memory a little more challenging but really fun to see how many different ways you can use the same tangles.


From a Tile to a Table!

Exploring with your pen, playing with your art form and spending time nurturing your creativity  can definitely lead to some unexpectedly wonderful places!

In a recent TanglePod episode we were talking about one of our favorite go to tangles, Printemps- which is French for spring, and a little play on words because the tangle looks like a spiral or a mechanical spring.

Our discussion reminded me of a little tile that I created not too long ago- using Printemps as a warm up. Very quickly I started to play with the tangle, adding weight in uneven ways and making each shape thick and thin and giving each a personality of its own.

One shape turned into many and soon my tile was complete- taking on a very distinctive look which I loved because it was unexpected and not at all like my normal style.

Around the same time, in the fabrication shop we started planning a new desk for my workspace. Because this tile had a rectangular shape to it, I explored how to use it as my table top.

The tile is made up of individual shapes so the table required a little bit of additional design work to ensure that all of the pieces were connected.  We didn’t want to overdo it though, so decided to sandwich the top between pieces of glass or acrylic to allow for some of the shapes to float with support and keep all the personality of the original artwork.

After the test fit and assembly – I loved how the natural steel and the design brought together two distinct pieces of my world – and went with a matte finish on the natural steel rather than finishing it in a color.

A few months ago, I would not have guessed these two distinct areas of my world would find a way to work so beautifully together!


Check out more of my fabrication designs and TangleTop organizers at

Listen to our podcast at or your favorite podcast app!