The 8-10 year old kids came in after recess bouncing off the walls and hyper about our session being the last activity of the last day of school before the weekend. After some necessarily loud words from the teacher to settle down, we got started with tangling.
Immediately you could hear a pin drop in the classroom as the kids settled into learning the Zentangle method. We started with the basics as I explained the dots, the string and they all became lost in their own tile as they focused on each tangle we learned this day. Each artist found their own language to interpret the tangles, making each tile its own unique piece.
Just like with adults, some students needed a little extra reassurance that there really are no mistakes with Zentangle. We won’t erase it, but we can look at it and figure out how to move forward. Lets see what opportunities there are to work with what you have done so far. We worked through each fear of doing it “wrong” and in the end all of the students were so excited about what they had created, the room erupted in chaos again. Good thing it was time to go home.
We have a four week session to practice the Zentangle Method, and I can’t wait to see how the kids confidence progresses!