The Quiet Side: Be Still

Allowing your mind to be still takes practice. Allowing your body to truly rest takes practice. Not a lot of new skill or explanation required, just reminders and time spent in regular practice.

You might naturally find when you journal or draw, or in the  middle of other focused activities that you pause for a moment and capture a bit of stillness, where the silence envelops you like a bubble while you process your thoughts and emotion. We need these moments in our day like a breath of fresh air for our minds.

Even just now – take a deep breath and take a moment to be still. Fight against the constant pull to be in motion.  Look off to the distance, or just close your eyes and still your hands, your feet, and if you can – your mind for a moment.

Do you have trouble bringing yourself to a place of stillness, or quiet in your mind? Finding a meditative practice like Zentangle can help you incorporate steps to slow down and focus. Contact me to schedule a group or private workshop.