Back to the Basics

Lately I have been playing with some of the tangles that show up in a lot of introductory classes, and are great foundations for learning the practice of the Zentangle Method.

It is really fun to revisit the same tangles in new ways, and I love making a mosaic that spans time, experiences, moods and locations. It is like my own little set of historical markers.

You can see how much variety there is to be had with just a few tangles, I could easily and always entertain myself, find focus and relaxation by just using these tangles.

The above tiles are created using; Florz, Tipple, Hollibaugh and Crescent Moon.

These less traditional tiles are using the same tangles, and playing freely with how they show up on the page. Hollibaugh becomes worm like with the addition of curved lines in the lower left. The tangle weave in and out of the W2 grid on the lower right. The upper left tile has a wine stain that i used to alter between a white pen and black pen.